Thursday, 16 May 2013

North Korea silence. (DPRK-so not to offend).

Democratic People's Republic of Korea (North Korea to you and I) has gone awfully quiet lately, considering the hermit kingdom were in a state of war, they haven't even launched their so called 'nukes which would destroy USA.

Here is the problem-the government in Pyongyang rather spend money on the military and weapons than their own people, most who are struggling with food and most are in severe poverty. Foreign support is very minimal-sources such as food and money come from China.

The Korean war ended in 1953 with armistice talks between North and South; both technically still at war, but North keeps giving South threats. Recently, due to sanctions by the UN regarding Nuclear weapons, it annoyed the North. It got that bad that they planned to destroy US cities-but how can they have nukes? For one the country hardly has any electricity-and the bit they have, it comes on and goes back off.

They are so insecure that they do not want you filming. You are in deep shit if you did because they would consider it a crime against the state-as Kenneth Base found out. He is now serving time in a labour camp. The American has been trying to appeal the decision but failed. Also, BBC documentry programme led an investigation into the country. They posed as foreign students discretely filming some aspects deemed illegal, such as poverty stricken children. 

Anyway, so far all I know it is a messed up country and the brainwashing and propaganda is over the top. Nukes haven't been released and as far as I am concerned it never will. Situations in the country will never ease. Kim Jong In I thought would of improved freedom in the country, and also allow the reunification of both Koreas to help improve the Norths situation. I am very wrong.

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